My Wife’s Struggle

My wife suffered from back and arm pain for years, triggered by hypermobility.

Multiple doctors gave advice, but nothing worked. We felt they weren’t taking her seriously.

I listened to her and took the time to research her symptoms. I started taking courses to understand the biomechanics involved with her problems.

Within three months of working with me, her pain subsided.

I wondered… Can I help others achieve the same results?

Desk Jobs Suck

I spent almost twenty years in the entertainment industry. In that time I worked on a lot of cool projects.

With those projects came crippling stress, anxiety, severe back pain, carpal tunnel, and more.

It just wasn’t worth it.

Martial arts offered me an escape, but focusing on my health and fitness changed my life.

Maybe I could help change others.

I Wasn’t A Gifted Athlete

I’ve talked at length about my lack of athleticism as a kid. I don’t think I’m alone.

In an age where fitness influencers make it seem effortless, it can be frustrating to try and meet your goals by yourself.

You just need a little guidance.

With grounded scientific principles and a healthy dose of empathy, I want to help you transform your life.

Let’s Do This!