Category: Health & Nutrition

  • What You Need To Know About Fat

    Fat is easily the most controversial macronutrient. It is both the sworn enemy of the entire diet / fitness industry and a necessary component of your overall health and wellness. Let’s take a moment to demystify fat and learn how it can help you achieve your goals.

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  • Affordable Tools On Amazon Every Diet & Fitness Nerd Needs In Their Home

    People ask me “What food scale should I buy?” or “Where can I find the cheapest weights?” or “Why don’t you quit your job and live on my yacht for a while?” and I usually just send them an Amazon link. Okay, I lied about the last one, but people often ask me where and…

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  • Coach Winter On My Jiu-Jitsu Academia Podcast #45

    I had the privilege of joining Jay Sin Matlock, DJ, and Lizzay on the My Jiu-Jitsu Academia podcast to talk about the events of CJI and ADCC, guard passing secrets, nutrition for competition, and a whole lot more. Enjoy! Follow My Jiu-Jitsu Academia My Jiu-Jitsu Academia WebsiteMy Jiu-Jitsu Academia on FacebookMy Jiu-Jitsu Academia on InstagramMy…

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  • What You Need To Know About Protein

    When we hear the word ‘protein’, we usually think of muscle tissue, but protein is also in our bone marrow, red blood cells, hair, nails, and skin. Proteins are composed of amino acids, long chains of molecules that serve various functions. Much of the protein we consume (about half) is converted into enzymes that perform…

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  • What You Need To Know About Carbs

    Carbohydrates, or carbs, are your body’s primary source of energy. Without carbs, we often feel fatigued, lack focus, or otherwise don’t feel like ourselves. With too many carbs, we can run into health problems like diabetes or obesity. Knowing the different types of carbs, and how to balance them, is an essential part of your…

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  • What You Need To Know About Calories

    Calories are a unit of measurement for calculating energy gained by eating food. We then expend energy from calories through physical activity. Consuming more calories than you use in a day causes you to gain weight, while consuming fewer causes you to lose weight. The math is quite simple, but there’s a lot more to…

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  • Understanding Hunger: How To Make Junk Food Cravings Your Bitch

    Eating when you’re not hungry is a recipe for disaster during weight management. The problem is, our bodies are sometimes tricked by a Pavlovian response to food and we unknowingly over eat. Knowing how to tell the difference between hunger and cravings is a vital mental tool in your weight-loss journey.

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  • MyFitnessPal: Calorie Tracker On Steroids

    Logging your food intake is the best way to ensure that you are getting the amount of calories, macros, and micro nutrients your body needs. Without an honest recording of what you eat every day, you’re basically just guessing. For most of us, guessing ain’t good enough. What I use and recommend is MyFitnessPal, a…

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  • What You Need To Know About Electrolytes

    Your body needs electrolytes to function, especially at peak performance. Electrolytes regulate your body’s pH levels, help the electricity from your brain control your muscles, and promote general hydration. Think of yourself as the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz and electrolytes as his oil can. Without the oil, he could still function, but…

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  • What You Need To Know About Fat
    What You Need To Know About Fat

    Fat is easily the most controversial macronutrient. It is both the sworn enemy of the entire diet / fitness industry and a necessary component of your overall health and wellness. Let’s take a moment to demystify fat and learn how it can help you achieve your goals. Continue Reading

  • Affordable Tools On Amazon Every Diet & Fitness Nerd Needs In Their Home
    Affordable Tools On Amazon Every Diet & Fitness Nerd Needs In Their Home

    People ask me “What food scale should I buy?” or “Where can I find the cheapest weights?” or “Why don’t you quit your job and live on my yacht for a while?” and I usually just send them an Amazon link. Okay, I lied about the last one, but people often ask me where and… Continue Reading

  • Coach Winter On My Jiu-Jitsu Academia Podcast #45
    Coach Winter On My Jiu-Jitsu Academia Podcast #45

    I had the privilege of joining Jay Sin Matlock, DJ, and Lizzay on the My Jiu-Jitsu Academia podcast to talk about the events of CJI and ADCC, guard passing secrets, nutrition for competition, and a whole lot more. Enjoy! Follow My Jiu-Jitsu Academia My Jiu-Jitsu Academia WebsiteMy Jiu-Jitsu Academia on FacebookMy Jiu-Jitsu Academia on InstagramMy… Continue Reading